Inspirations for Your Life

The Inspirations for your life motivate you to deal with everyday issues in different relationships, professional challenges, and deep inner self-defeating thoughts. Be more successful daily with John as he brings you clarity. Get inspired now! Visit more of John’s unique creations at

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Sunday Jan 30, 2022

Before we begin, I’d like to ask you a question, have you ever made a mistake before? Come on, you can be honest it’s just you and me here. If you said no then maybe you can teach me something so I can take some notes, but chances are you probably answered yes. I’d like you to think about that mistake no matter what it may have been, now think about how you reacted to that mistake. Did you get upset over it? Did you give up after it happened? Well let me tell you the right way to handle a mistake. That way is to learn from it. When you make a mistake, you may get a little upset and frustrated, but just know you haven’t failed. The point of a mistake is to be able to fix it and move on. When you mess up the two most important steps is acknowledging that you’ve made a mistake and correcting that mistake so you can do better. When you find yourself messing up it doesn’t mean you’ve failed it just means you weren’t ready at that point in time. The moment you decide to quit is the moment you’ve failed and if you continue to repeat that same mistake it means you aren’t correcting whatever may be wrong. Nobody is right all the time so it’s best to change and do better when you know you’re doing something’s wrong. Remember the best way to handle making a mistake is most importantly remembering that you shouldn’t quit. Make sure you keep a cool head don’t let yourself get frustrated and don’t forget you have to acknowledge the mistake first. Once you complete this step you have to correct that mistake in order to avoid ending up in a cycle of making more and more mistakes. When you’re able to master these steps, you’ll begin to notice that you’re becoming a better version of you at a much faster rate than usual if you were to not correct the mistakes you make. You’ll begin to feel better and open more doors for yourself because of these positive adjustments to performance and character, not to mention the fact that those around you will also begin to notice such a major change. They’ll maybe even start to feel inspired just being around you based off of your changes and follow in your footsteps making you a leader as well.Would you like John to answer a specific question below, comment and if we use your idea, we’ll will tag you in the video.We share videos every week to answer specific questions that will help people become a better version of themselves and attain the success they have been looking for their whole life. Thanks for choosing to like, comment, tag friends, and for watching our videos.

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

Before we begin let’s ask the question what are the green lights of life?The green lights of life can be defined as the many small wins, victories, or achievements that you get or earn throughout everyday life. Now ask yourself how do you celebrate them? The first step is to acknowledge them. No matter how small that achievement may seem it’s still just as important as any other one. Think about these achievements as green lights on a traffic light. You have red, yellow and green. Red tells you to stop, yellow tells you to slow down, and green tells you to go, unless you’re in New York In that case all three lights mean go, but at slightly different speeds. To most people red lights mean stop, now imagine a red light as you not reaching a goal and a yellow light as something that slows you down from reaching your goal. The more you start to focus on the red lights the less motivated you’ll be to achieve any new goals or gain any more victories or wins. The more you focus on yellow lights the slower your progress will be, and you’ll begin to feel more deterred from wanting to continue. Now try focusing more on the green lights. As you start to direct more of your attention on the many green lights you come across in life you begin to notice them around you more. This way of thinking revolves around focusing on the positives. Celebrating all your victories, wins and accomplishments no matter how small or insignificant they may will put you right on the path of success. As said by Earl Nightingale, “We are what we think about the most”. If you constantly keep thinking about your many small wins, you’ll have the mindset of a winner. You’ll begin to see yourself as someone who starts to constantly succeed. You have to remember a small win plus a small win equals a grand goal, meaning that every accomplishment you achieve is a step closer to an overall goal. With this kind of thinking you’ll find yourself succeeding more and more. Don’t focus on the failures you’ve had maybe once or twice also known as the red lights of life, don’t even focus on the yellow lights of life that could be slowing you down from reaching the goals you want to achieve. Stay focused on the green lights of life and you will find yourself doing better in life in practically no time. Would you like John to answer a specific question below, comment and if we use your idea, we’ll will tag you in the video.We share videos every week to answer specific questions that will help people become a better version of themselves and attain the success they have been looking for their whole life. Thanks for choosing to like, comment, tag friends, and for watching our videos.

How To Handle Rejection?

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

Hello and welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another Motivational Friday video with me, your host, John C Morley. In today's video we ask you the question of How To Handle Rejection and take a deep look into three important and efficient ways to handle rejection. Rejection is something everyone has had to deal with in their life as a child and growing up it’s no different and so we as adults still have to face the struggles of rejection. In fact some of you may even be dealing with rejection right now. And so because of that I wanted to make sure I took the time to create a motivational video tackling the subject of rejection. That way I can help you my dear viewer to feel empowered and motivated to reach your dreams. And so If you have had to go through rejection at some point in your life then please watch my video and feel inspired, motivated and empowered to live your life and achieve your dreams. How would you like to become a part of history? If you're a student between high school and college and live in New Jersey around Essex or Bergen county, reach out today and give us a call because we would love to have you on our team. What we're doing is top secret so I can’t say much other than the fact that it involves science and energy. What could it be, who knows? But if you feel intrigued then we’ll love to have you onboard as a part of our team. You’ll have lots of fun and learn a lot about science while you're here. We share videos every week to teach you tips on how to network and become a better person. If you want us to come visit your school don’t hesitate to reach out. Thanks for watching and please like and share and if you really like our content click on the link to buy me and my team a cup of coffee. We would really appreciate any support you give us!

Breast Cancer Awareness PSA

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Breast Cancer Awareness Month PSAHello Ladies and Gentlemen today I want to talk to you, specifically all the ladies out there, about something very important happening this month. As you know it is October also known as breast cancer awareness month. And so I wanted to take this time today to help encourage you to get your screening and to stay strong and healthy. Sometimes you don’t know until it’s too late which is why I encourage you to get a screening for breast cancer. That way if anything negative comes back you’ll be able to treat it early and not leave your loved ones behind. I know I've been left behind by a loved one which is why I stress that it’s so important to get checked regularly. And to the gentlemen out there who have loved ones, make sure to encourage the women in your life this month to take the steps necessary to ensure protection for their own health and future. We need our women so let’s all make sure they stay safe and healthy. And to all the ladies out there before I go, just remember that together we can beat breast cancer.

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Hello and welcome back ladies and gentlemen today I have another special and another great motivational video for you. And I hope you like sharks because today we’re gonna take a deep dive, pun intended, into your life and talk about why you should always push your boundaries.You see ladies and gentlemen like fish sharks will only grow to be a certain size based on their environment. And while we don’t grow like that physically we do have that in common when it comes to how we mentally and financially. The size of our boundaries also affect areas of our growth as well and that’s why it’s important to put yourself in places where you have room to grow. You’ll have time in your life when you’ve reached the top and have become all you can be but the thing is that you haven’t. There is more for you to yet become. You just don’t see it or don’t realize it or can’t manifest it into your life because you are confined by perhaps your location. So take the risk and move to a place where you can have more success. Or take the leap and try for that job you’ve been wanting to improve your finances. You just have to remember that when things seem tight and there isn’t a whole lot of room for improvement in your life it’s not there isn’t. It’s just that it means it’s time for you to upgrade to a bigger pond, lake, or yes even an ocean. We share videos every week to teach you tips on how to be better and a more motivated individual. If my video really resonated with you then please look below and click the link that says “Help keep our content free” My team and I would really appreciate a donation to buy us a cup of coffee since the money you give us goes straight back into making more of these videos that I know you love. And as always don’t forget to leave a like, hit subscribe and to hit that notification bell.

How Do you be Humble

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Monday Jan 31, 2022

What does it really mean to be humble. In the dictionary being humble is defined as having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance, or not proud or haughty: not arrogant or assertive. 2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission a humble apologyBeing humble is the ability to understand one’s own position or ability without being overconfident or underestimating themselves. When you’re humble you have a nice balance within yourself. When you’re humble doors and gates are more likely to open up for you. When you’re humble it means you have skills but at the same time, you’re still open to learning new things. People want to be around those who are able to be humble. Overconfident creates egos and no confidence creates insecurities which are both harmful in different ways, but still harmful regardless. Those who can’t be humble aren’t usually people others want to be around or especially work with, those who can’t be humble don’t find themselves with as many open doors and opportunities as someone who understands how to be humble. This is a skill that should be mandatory for all of us in the world, not only is it useful it’s nice to be around. When we become humble, we’re able to be a better version of ourselves. What does it really mean to be humble. In the dictionary being humble is defined as having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. Being humble is the ability to understand one’s own position or ability without being overconfident or underestimating themselves. When you’re humble you have a nice balance within yourself. When you’re humble doors and gates are more likely to open up for you. When you’re humble it means you have skills but at the same time, you’re still open to learning new things. People want to be around those who are able to be humble. Overconfident creates egos and no confidence creates insecurities which are both harmful in different ways, but still harmful regardless. Those who can’t be humble aren’t usually people others want to be around or especially work with, those who can’t be humble don’t find themselves with as many open doors and opportunities as someone who understands how to be humble. Truly humble people keep quiet about their accomplishments and the good things they do. Humble can also mean "low in station or quality." If you come from a humble background, you didn't grow up wealthy, and if you live in a humble apartment, it isn't overly grand or showy. This is a skill that should be mandatory for all of us in the world, not only is it useful it’s nice to be around. When we become humble, we’re able to be a better version of ourselves. Would you like John to answer a specific question below, comment and if we use your idea, we’ll will tag you in the video. We share videos every week to answer specific questions that will help people become a better version of themselves and attain the success they have been looking for their whole life. Thanks for choosing to like, comment, tag friends, and for watching our videos.

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Hello and welcome back once again Ladies and Gentlemen to another fantastic Motivation Friday that is sure to get you on the edge of your seat. And if your weather forecast is as rainy as mine is today then I know you could really use some more motivation in your life. Okay so what is today’s video about? Today’s video and brain waves and why they are so important to know about. They control and regulate our body and our state and there are many different types of brain waves but for today’s video I want to focus on Gamma Waves and how to appreciate that your brain waves can predict the success of your life. Also did you know that the more active you are the more your brain waves will function and gamma are the brainwaves when you are very excited or interested which is what I’m sure you are right now when you saw my video pop because I just know you’re subscribed to me. If that sounds like something that interests you and I know it does because you’re on gamma then please give my full video a watch and leave a comment down below. I would love to hear from you and know what you thought of it. We share videos every week to teach you tips on how to be better and a more motivated individual. If my video really resonated with you then please look below and click the link that says “Help keep our content free” My team and I would really appreciate a donation to buy us a cup of coffee since the money you give us goes straight back into making more of these videos that I know you love. And as always don’t forget to leave a like, hit subscribe and to hit that notification bell.

Monday Jan 31, 2022

Why You Should Take The First StepHello and welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen for another round of Super Motivational Friday. Today we have me, your beloved host John C Morely teaching you all about why you should take the first step. You see, the thing in life is that if you don’t do anything if you don’t take action, if you don’t take that first step, you won’t get to where it is you want to go in life. And we all want success in our lives but the hardest part of moving towards success is taking that first step to get you moving. It can be easy to feel comfortable in your current state so even if you want that success you may not crave it. So that’s why you have to take that first step to get going and get motivated to crave your own future success and head in the direction you always knew your life could go. We share videos every week to teach you tips on how to be better and a more motivated individual. If my video really resonated with you then please look below and click the link that says “Help keep our content free” My team and I would really appreciate a donation to buy us a cup of coffee since the money you give us goes straight back into making more of these videos that I know you love. And as always don’t forget to leave a like, hit subscribe and to hit that notification bell.

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022

What is a perception?What we perceive is our current reality?What perception in your reality do you want to change?

Tuesday Feb 01, 2022

Have you ever heard of the phrase the glass is half empty? What about seeing the glass as half full? Do you look at the glass as half empty or do you look at it as half full? What kind of person are you? When you look at the glass as half empty it’s associated with negativity or being a pessimist, a pessimist is prone to pessimism. Pessimism is an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome. When you see the glass as half empty, you’re looking at it from a negative perspective not seeing the good in the situation and only focusing on the bad. When you focus on the bad, we tend to experience more of the bad. Generally, in life when we focus on things, we start to notice more things that are similar to whatever it may be for example when you focus on a black car you are more likely to notice even more black cars. The same goes for if you were to look at the glass as half full. When you look at the glass as half full you tend to look at more of the positive in the situation. The more positive we focus the more it’ll come into your life. In life try to see the glass as being half full rather than half empty you’ll be doing yourself a favor as well as relieving yourself of any additional stress you might have put ok yourself if you were allowing the negative thoughts to outnumber the positive ones. Remember try to look at the glass as half empty for not only yourself but others as well. If you follow this advice, you will notice an improvement in the quality of your life.Would you like John to answer a specific question below, comment and if we use your idea, we’ll will tag you in the video. We share videos every week to answer specific questions that will help people become a better version of themselves and attain the success they have been looking for their whole life. Thanks for choosing to like, comment, tag friends, and for watching our videos.

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