Monday Jan 31, 2022

Why Brain Waves Are So Important

Hello and welcome back once again Ladies and Gentlemen to another fantastic Motivation Friday that is sure to get you on the edge of your seat. And if your weather forecast is as rainy as mine is today then I know you could really use some more motivation in your life.

Okay so what is today’s video about? Today’s video and brain waves and why they are so important to know about. They control and regulate our body and our state and there are many different types of brain waves but for today’s video I want to focus on Gamma Waves and how to appreciate that your brain waves can predict the success of your life. Also did you know that the more active you are the more your brain waves will function and gamma are the brainwaves when you are very excited or interested which is what I’m sure you are right now when you saw my video pop because I just know you’re subscribed to me.

If that sounds like something that interests you and I know it does because you’re on gamma then please give my full video a watch and leave a comment down below. I would love to hear from you and know what you thought of it.

We share videos every week to teach you tips on how to be better and a more motivated individual. If my video really resonated with you then please look below and click the link that says “Help keep our content free” My team and I would really appreciate a donation to buy us a cup of coffee since the money you give us goes straight back into making more of these videos that I know you love. And as always don’t forget to leave a like, hit subscribe and to hit that notification bell.

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